A - a
-a nom. A morpheme which indicates the emphatic state of the noun.
-ptc. The absolute form of the feminine singular morpheme on the participle.
aba nm. male parent; ancestor.Pl: abuia. ia ab ṣaida ṭaba Oh father of the good fisherman! [MBJ36.021] uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds. [MBJ38.061] hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black waters! [MBJ38.073] šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me. [MBJ39.029]
abara nm. 1 • a bluish-white soft, malleable, and heavy metal. In the Periodic Table of the Elements, lead has the symbol Pb and the atomic number 82.
2 • a fishing weight made from the same metal.Pl: abaria. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will distribute rocks and throw the lead weights into the netting. [MBJ38.024]
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abatur pn. Abatur, third of the four emanations from the Great Life, who serves as the judge of the dead.
abda nm. servant or slave; a person in the service of another.Pl: abdia. anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! [MBJ39.037] abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. [MBJ39.039]
abid aptc. G-stem active participle of ʔ-b-d (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-b-d.
abihdia prep. with; together with; next to. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be restrained with the circlet. [MBJ38.030]
ad conj. while; so far as; until.
alma until, till. Etym: ad l- ma. alma ḏengirta uiadata mn tibil lqudam hiia salqa until a letter bearing information from Earth rises to the Life. [MBJ55.058]
Adam pn. the proper name Adam.
Adatan pn. Adatan a spirit of light. See: Iadatan.
agaiia nm. leaders? qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the ?, whom you do not mention fairly. [MBJ36.037]
agm nm. a low-lying wetland with grassy vegetation, occupying a transition zone between land and water. From: agammu. usaiarna agma bhabara I traverse the marsh in darkness. [MBJ36.006] eqria bagma qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh and awaken the fish. [MBJ36.039] asartinun bagmia ḏzipa I tied them up in the marsh of deceit. [MBJ36.064] laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets. [MBJ37.007] ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma laṣidlak You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! [MBJ38.004] bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water. [MBJ38.046] haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? [MBJ39.010] qainia dilan ḏagman ḏraṭnia hdadia utabria etbun palta ḏrugza The families of our marsh are the type that conspire and fragment. [MBJ39.017]
aha nm. male sibling; fellow member of a social or religious group. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. [MBJ37.023] ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight! [MBJ39.027]
ahib aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-h-b (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-h-b.
ahid aptc. G-stem active particpiple of the verb ʔ-h-d (q.v.) See main entry: ʔ-h-d.
-ai poss. 1st singular possessive pronoun (common gender).
aiar nm. the upper atmosphere, air, ether, wind. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. [MBJ36.086] arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on it. [MBJ39.015]
aiil aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-l-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-l-l.
aina nf. the eye, or organ of sight. uailẖ lnuna ḏbliqlun ḏainẖ nhura lahazia Woe to the fish who perceives them, (and) whose eyes do not see the light! [MBJ38.035]
ainana nf. Possibly "knot," a back formation from the plural form ainanata "eyes; knots". Variant: eniana. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit. [MBJ36.063] See: aina.
aitia pfv. D-stem / C-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.
-ak poss. 2nd person masculine singular possessive suffix.
akandit conj. while as yet, as yet, while still. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots. [MBJ36.047]
akaṣ pfv. G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-k-ṣ (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-k-ṣ.
akil aptc. G-stem active participle form of the verb ʔ-k-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-k-l.
alihda adj. toward; near; close to. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš anuš Close to my face, Anosh sits and teaches. [MBJ36.020] alihdai alihdia arbai šamana higma ḏṣaidia Close to my vessel, I hear the commotion of fishers. [MBJ36.023]
alma nm. 1 • the world; usually used in reference to the material world. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishermen of this world. [MBJ36.073] ezdahar balma Be on your guard in this world! [MBJ37.021] etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world! [MBJ38.025] lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. [MBJ39.011]
2 • (pl.) mankind; the people (of this world).Pl: almia. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. [MBJ38.039]
alpa quant. one-thousand. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. [MBJ38.038]
alua nm. spirit? umpasqilun umahilun kauaria brundia ualuai and they cut off and beat the cauves of fish and my spirits (?) [MBJ36.058] laramin silita ukauaria ualuai lalagṭia They will neither cast nets nor take my fish and spirits (or cauves of large fish?) [MBJ36.060]
amta nf. a woman servant or slave, in the service of another person. atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. [MBJ38.023] šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me. [MBJ39.030]
amar aptc. G-stem active participle form of ʔ-m-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-m-r.
amar ipfv. G-stem imperfective form of ʔ-m-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-m-r.
aminṭul conj. because. Gram: Generally takes ḏ- lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida Head out to your blind for the sound of a fisherman. [MBJ36.045] aminṭul ḏatat ruha maṣṭanita ḏmaṣṭialun el kulhun alma Because the seductress Ruha has come to seduce the whole world. [MB55.063]
-an -ptc. Feminine plural absolute morpheme.
-an poss. First plural possessive pronoun (common gender).
ana pers. First singular independent personal pronoun (common gender). ṣaida ana ḏhiia rbia A fisher am I, of the Great Life. [MBJ37.002] ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A fisher am I, of the Mighty Life. [MBJ37.003] lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats scum! [MBJ36.080] ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear witness to the Life. [MBJ36.081] ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope. [MBJ36.082] ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel. [MBJ36.085] ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend, and we will see the place of light. [MBJ36.090] la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning. [MBJ38.053] ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector. [MBJ38.075] ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in the abode of life. [MBJ38.078]
anaša nm. person; human being.Pl: anašia. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the ?, whom you do not mention fairly. [MBJ36.037]
anat pers. Second singular independent personal pronoun (common gender). ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! [MBJ38.004] anat simaka You are the pillar. [MBJ38.006] anat ahbalan mnata Give us a share. [MBJ38.012]
anatun pers. Second masculine plural independent personal pronoun. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of garbage, and garbage will be your fate. [MBJ36.088] hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so be his kingdom! [MBJ38.072] mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. [MBJ38.077]
anhia ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb n-h-y (q.v.). Gram: The complement of this verb is marked with the preposition el. See main entry: n-h-y.
ania adj. poor, indigent, destitute, lacking in material wealth or possessions.
ania 1 • aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-n-y (q.v.).
2 • adj. responsive, attentive.
3 • nm. helper, attendant. See main entry: ʔ-n-y.
anin pers. First plural independent personal pronoun (common gender). anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey cake, and bring them before you. [MBJ36.077] akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls from your hand, and we will be satisified. [MBJ36.078] anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers. [MBJ38.007] mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. [MBJ38.013] anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us! anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. [MBJ39.038]
anpia nf. 1 • face; the front of the head. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment. [MBJ38.029]
2 • presence; immediate vicinity or proximity. alihdai alihdai anpai iatib udariš anuš Close to me, Anuš sits and preaches. [MBJ36.020]
3 • surface; surface; outer or the topmost boundary of an object. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). [MBJ39.003]
anqia nm. This word only appears in its plural form, and only appears in the Mandaean Book of John. It appears to mean "necklaces," which possibly refers to gillnets, which surround the gills of fish that enter them. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a bait of unripe dates nor the necklaces of the seine nets of the marsh. [MBJ37.007] azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the necklaces, and the seine nets there are (like) a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. [MBJ38.038] lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged necklaces or deceptive lanterns. [MBJ38.055]
Anuš pn. Anuš, an outstanding uthra; one of the triad of spirits Hibil, Šitil, and Anuš.
apia aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-p-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-p-y.
apria ipfv. C-stem imperfective form of the verb p-r-y (q.v.). See main entry: p-r-y.
aqim pfv. C-stem perfective form of q-y-m (q.v.). See main entry: q-y-m.
arba nf. a craft for traveling on water; a ship or boat; a vessel.Pl: arbia. See: šabaita; markabta. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013] lanaidia mia barbai uqala ḏarbai lamištma The water is not choppy by my vessel, and the sound of my vessel is not heard. [MBJ36.017] alihdai alihdia arbai šamana higma ḏṣaidia Near my vessel, I hear the commotion of fishers. [MBJ36.023] šrinan mn rgalan ḏnunak larban lasalqia Release us from our fetters so that your fish do not leap into our vessels! [MBJ36.050] abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed as well. [MBJ36.070] ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel. [MBJ36.085] hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia ulamšamṭa The Life tied a cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me, the radiant sail of which flutters and flaps, but is not pulled off. [MBJ37.008] arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The vessel is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens. [MBJ37.009] kulhun arbia ḏhazilia kabšan uldilia sagdan All the vessels that see me bow down and worship me. [MBJ37.015] ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel, and you will take a share in ours! [MBJ38.009] nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You should take a share from us and give us a share in your vessel! [MBJ38.011] ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. [MBJ38.013] eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. [MBJ38.014] larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal. [MBJ38.071] haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessel? [MBJ39.010] lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. [MBJ39.011] arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on it. [MBJ39.015] arban azla bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel goes between the waters. [MBJ39.016] lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries along. [MBJ39.021] amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]
arada nm. A pole used for punting small boats through the marshes. In Iraq, such poles are traditionally made from reeds, and never from wood. They are always capped with a bitumen knob." habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the rudder. [MBJ37.011]
arba quant. the number four. amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]
arbana nf. crows, large passerine birds that form the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Variant: rbana.
arbana pasa The Mesopotamian Crow, also known as the Iraqi Pied Crow. This distinctive bird is found in Iraq and southwestern Iran. It has very pale grey plumage, which looks almost white from a distance. Corvus cornix capellanus. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths. [MBJ38.065]
arib aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-r-b (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-r-b.
arqa nf. 1 • Land or territory over which a power exercises control. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His free-flying axe (?) and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem. [MBJ39.033]
2 • Earth or soil.
arqa bigar nm. A humble servant. Lit: earth on foot. Etym: arqa bligra. Variant: baigar; rabigar; rabaigar. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. [MBJ38.020]
asar pfv. G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-s-r (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-s-r.
asgia pfv. C-stem perfective form of s-g-y (q.v.). See main entry: s-g-y.
ašla nm. A strong, heavy rope. See: qabura. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai I have trapped them in their ships and tossed my cable to the good ones. [MBJ36.066] šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your cables are so beautiful that you do not seem like the fishers of the world. [MBJ36.073] ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its cables are radiant, and its rudder is one in which there is truth. [MBJ37.010]
asr quant. the number ten. ulasra bhamša nasbatlẖ You take ten for the price of five. [MBJ36.035]
-at -pfv. The third feminine singular personal morpheme on the perfective form of the verb.
-at nom. The feminine plural morpheme on the noun.
ata pfv. Gram: G G-stem perfective form of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.
atra nm. Place, position, or region. ana utarmidai nisaq nihiziẖ latar nhur I and my disciples shall ascend, and we will see the place of light. [MBJ36.090] eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. [MBJ37.023]
abatar prep. after; behind in place or position; following behind. Variant: batar. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets (?) on them and dragged them behind my stern. [MBJ36.056] laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. [MBJ39.005]
aṭara nf. Crown, circlet; also: the ring found at the center of a circular cast-net through which the drawstring passes. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back from the crown. [38.031]
atia aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-t-y (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-t-y.
aṭuna nm. A strong, heavy rope.Pl: aṭunia. apkartinun baṭunia kaprun uspinatun tibrit lmia I tied them up in palm-fiber cords and ruined their boats for the water. [MBJ36.054]
atutia prep. Beneath. dalinun bkarsauata atutia adrabšia taqnia I shall put them up on thrones beneath stainless banners. [MBJ38.079]
auda nm. Mortal things; transitory, perishable things; things which cause others to perish.Pl: audia. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013]
aumia pfv. C-stem perfective form of the verb y-m-y (q.v.) See main entry: y-m-y.
autib pfv. C-stem perfective form of the verb y-t-b (q.v.). See main entry: y-t-b.
azil aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb \lx ʔ-z-l (q.v.). See main entry: ʔ-z-l.