L - l

l-   prep. for. uspinatun tibrit lmia I spoiled their ships for the water. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord has taken in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair will be in the reeds. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the men who watch the Earth! lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of Jerusalem! lapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break through the net and escape. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector. gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the night. sqiria mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:

-l   obj. def.

la-   neg. not. haka pahra zibnak uzabunak uhauia kḏ ḏlahua Your trade bustles here, but it will be as if it never existed. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly. laramin silita ukauaria ualuai lalagṭia They will neither cast nets nor take my fish and spirits (or baskets of large fish?) laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither does his voice resemble a fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle. lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats shit! la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin ulapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, and they will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on Earth in which fish fish fishers. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow. liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind! uailak sapna kapna ḏkanpak btibil la iabša Woe to you, starving kingfisher, whose wings will never dry on land! qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to be called an associate of the righteous. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish. anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them.

lagiṭ   aptc. taking. laramin silita ukauaria ualuai lalagṭia They will neither cast nets nor take my fish and spirits (or baskets of large fish?) habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the rudder. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons that seize fish! ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

laiit   ext. there.isn't. latanak litbẖ humria There are no weights in your mesh. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in white garments. hausia uriuia litbẖ It has no cisterns or fountains. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe.

laiiṭ   aptc. Gram: G cursing. qal ṣaidia uqal tangarun ḏmganin ahdadia ulaiṭia The sound of fishers and the sound of their traders who reproach one another and curse. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot.

lala   nm. pedagogue. Note: Possibly from Persian lālā "chief servant entrusted with the education of the master's children" ia lala ṣaida ḏbasim šumẖ O master of the fisherman, whose name is pleasant to hear!

lauia   aptc. Gram: G accompanying. Note: Takes objects with mn. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good quality will join you. ṭaba lau mn ṭabia ubiša mn bišia lauia A good man keeps good company, and a bad man keeps bad company.

lbaš   pfv. Gram: G dress. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder.

lbiš   pptc. Gram: G clothed. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in white garments.

l-b-š   vt. to clothe, assume, dress, attire, put on, cover, invest, endue, array; fig. to take possession of, seize, identify oneself with.

nalbiš   ipfv. C-stem imperfective form.

lemat   interrog. when.

lgaṭ   pfv. Gram: G took. habšaba lagiṭ arada ubrhiia sukana lgaṭ Sunday takes the punt pole, and the Son of Life took the rudder.

lgiṭ   pfv. G-stem perfective form of the verb l-g-ṭ (q.v.). See main entry: l-g-ṭ.

lgiṭ   pptc. Gram: The passive participle of this verb often has active meaning. holding. lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak You take it and support it with your elbow.

l-g-ṭ   vt. to hold, grasp, seize, take (hold of), gather up, pick up, take into the hand; fig. to have, possess, overpower. overwhelm.

lgiṭ   Variant: algiṭ. pfv. G-stem perfective form. algiṭtẖ biama rba You caught it in the great sea. [MBJ36.029] nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it, and hung a bell over its entrance. [MBJ38.039]

lib   nm. heart. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens.

ligra   nf. foot.

liha   nm. seine. Note: Ochsenschlager describes two types of nets used in the marshes: a large oblong 30 m net which is used as a drive-in, seine, or drift net, and a smaller 3 m net circular net which is cast. The circular cast nets are threaded with a cord which, when pulled, draws the weighted edges of the cast net together under the water, trapping the fish inside. qlaitẖ el lihun kulẖ ulgupta ḏlihia gaṭra I burnt their entire seine, and the snare? that ties seines together. laqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their seines and spear in the Jordan. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh seines. emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden and tie seines. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle.

lilia   nf. night. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the night.

liṭ   pptc. Gram: G cursed. liṭia zabnak uliṭa zangak uliṭa arbak ḏlamalia Damn your customers, and damn your bell, and damn your worthless vessel. liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!

lka   adv. thither. mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious, and victorious is the man who went there. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:

lma   prep. wherefore. Note: When followed by a verb, lma introduces the subject with a -l and the verb with ḏ-. amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?"

luat   prep. with. qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls them and tells them to 'come and gather by my side.'. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a commotion. The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder. ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him. aluatak kanpia riš kulaian They will gather by your side, leader of us all! atin aluatẖ kanpin They come and gather near him.