E - e

e-   ipfv-. 1sg.

ebad   pfv. G-stem perfective. See main entry: ʔ-b-d.

ebid   nf. deed. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup.

eda   nf. hand. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good quality will join you. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands. akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls from your hand, and we will be satisified. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light.

edia   nm. line. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša ḏedia I go through the fountainhead and the beginning of the course. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line.

egir   pptc. Gram: G hired. amarlan ḏnihuia egirak Tell us, so that we may work for you.

eka   ext. there.is. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe.

ekilta   nf. food. laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a "meal" of unripe dates nor the "necklaces" of marsh nets. lahzilak ekilta ḏnunia bgauaihun kanpia ekilta You do not see the food of the fish within its receptacles.

ekul   nm. bait? Note: This noun belongs to a passive actant noun pattern "that which is eaten." In Syriac, CPA, Samaritan, and Galilean Aramaic, though, ˀāk̠ōlā means "eater." Seemingly parallel to ekilta. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death. halpilun lukulia kulhun They pass by all the baits.

ekum   nm. black. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

el   prep. upon. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not extinguished by blowing winds. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines. aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra for the demons and the evil chaos (or Magus?), and there is no rust on the axe. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. nagẖ algiṭa uzanga tlilẖ el babta They seized it, appropriated it, and hung a bell over its entrance. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen. amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the fishermen, lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break through the net and escape. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets. nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me. hus elan utub utraham Pity us, have mercy and be compassionate! anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us!

elau   prep. to. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured his barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit. ualuai umitinun ḏlaqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna I made them swear to me that they would not stay and dip their nets and spear in the Jordan. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you!

ema   nf. mother. emaian brabitak iatba ulihia gaṭra Our mother will sit down with your handmaiden and tie dragnets. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me.

emr   nm. speech.

emṣandar   pptc. intoxicated. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

engirta   nf. letter.

esiqta   nf. seal.ring. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal.

esqa   nm. cord. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your cable and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishers of the world. hiia gṭarlia esqa ubnalia arba ḏlabaṭla The Life tied a cord for me, and built an indestructable vessel for me.

estakar   pfv. Gram: tD was.obstructed. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black waters!

estamar   pfv. Gram: Dt heeded. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots.

eṣṭarar   pfv. Gram: Dt was.formed.3s: eṣṭararat.

eṣṭla   nm. robe. Note: The plural can refer to a suit of clothes or outfit. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lightworld clothing, and cover them in precious light. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder.

ešumia   nm. heaven. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens.

et   ext. there.is. akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the mesh that is in it! ašlẖ ašlia ḏziua usukana ḏkušṭa etbẖ Its cables are cables of radiance, and its rudder is one in which there is truth. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. etbun palta ḏrugza They have a spear of wrath. amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. etbẖ sukana uqaiim bgauẖ usqiria It has a rudder and standing within it is a sailyard.

etana   nm. mesh. Note: From Akkadian itannu "mesh; interstices" akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the mesh that is in it! latanak litbẖ humria There are no weights in your mesh. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

etana   pfv. sighed. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

etikrik   pfv. Gram: tG whirled. bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water.

etiqria   pfv. Gram: tG be.called. lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats scum!

etparaq   ipfv. Gram: tD be.saved. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the men who watch the Earth!

etpariq   ipfv. Gram: tD be.saved. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds.

etqinis   pfv. Gram: Gt was.doomed.3s: etqinsat.

etradap   ipfv. be.persecuted. Gram: Dt

etriṣ   pfv. Gram: Gt set.up. Note: Also used with regard to wearing hats and crowns. etriṣlia qudaha brišai A cover is set on my prow.

eu   conj. if. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds. eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you---a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and date syrup. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break through the net and escape.

euhra   nm. road. ana qadmit beuhra bsahrana I start on my way early in a crescent skiff. ana šanitinun lqapaiia ḏeuhra ḏhiia sakria I cleared out the duckweeds (?) that were blocking the way of life. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš. laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They won't know the way that they're going, and they won't know how to return back to their way.

euira   adj. blind. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe.

eula   nm. evil. umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa ḏlazuanak ḏeula lgiṭatlẖ usamkatlẖ biaṣilak and you do business with your trick scale, which you take and support with your elbow for your crooked transaction. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

Eulai   nm. Karun. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš.

eulana   nm. evildoer. ezil ezil eulana ḏlazabnit minaian Scram! Get lost, crook who doesn't buy from us.

eumqa   nm. depth. eiatra lnunia ḏeumqia I will wake up the fish of the depths. uailik arbana pasa ḏmn eumqia nunia nasba Woe to you, Pied Crow, who snatches fish from the depths.

eura   nm. rope? Note: Hapax, parallel to bgiṭria in the next line. Possible error for beudia "with rods?" karkil šdinun beuria He surrounded them with ropes.

eurašlam   pn. Jerusalem. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of Jerusalem! naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.

eurba   nm. crow. Corvus corone. Note: Possibly Corvus corone (Carrion crow) or Corvus cornix (Hooded crow). 10 species of Corvidae exist in Iraq. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow.

eušn   nm. stallion.

eutra   nm. Uthra. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras.

ezil   ipfv. Gram: G leave. ezil ezil eulana ḏlazabnit minaian Scram! Get lost, crook who doesn't buy from us. ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go and catch your own stinking fish. nṭur špul ezil lkaiatkun uasgun ldinba ḏedia Keep back, get down, leave your group, and go to the end of the line. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses! zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of Jerusalem!

ezla   nm. cord. atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The cords, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.



ʔ-b-d   vt. to do, make, or perform.

ebad   pfv. G-stem perfective form.

abid   aptc. G-stem active participle. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup. [MBJ38.016] atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. [MBJ38.050]

ʔ-h-b   vt. to give; transfer possession of something to another person.

ahib   aptc. G-stem active participle. rgaltẖ ltangarun girpa ḏlarašia ḏahbilẖ I tied up their thieving merchant, who doesn't claim what they bring him. [MBJ36.053]

ʔ-h-d   vt. to close, fasten, shut up, hold fast, grasp; to take over, receive.

ahid   aptc. G-stem active participle.

ahid eda   a helper. Lit: holding the hand (in order to help). eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. [MBJ37.023]

ʔ-k-l   vt. to eat or consume something.

akil   aptc. G-stem active participle form. ṣaidia ḏaklia nunia uriha ḏsrutun atia elai Fishermen who eat fish, and their putrid stench comes to me. [MBJ36.024] lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida ṣaida ḏnunia laklia Go to your blind because of the sound of the fisherman, the fisherman who does not eat fish! [MBJ36.045] amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons? of the fish called "girita." [MBJ36.061] aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands. [MBJ36.062] lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisherman, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats scum! [MBJ36.080] ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock. [MBJ37.006] eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. [MBJ38.015] eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup. [MBJ38.016] mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun [MBJ38.077] I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings.

ʔ-k-ṣ   vt. to hurt, trouble, or grieve.

akaṣ   pfv. G-stem perfective form.

ʔ-l-l   vt. to enter, go or come into something.

aiil   aptc. G-stem active participle. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord when the fish enter and they will be caught. [MBJ38.026] etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir. [MBJ38.032] uailinun alnunia ḏailinun Woe to the fish who enter them. [MBJ38.041]

nailia   ipfv. D-stem or C-stem imperfective form.

ʔ-m-r   vt. to say, speak, talk, narrate, discuss, command.

amar   pfv. G-stem perfective. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them: [MBJ39.026] amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch fish that do not eat scum!" [MBJ37.006] amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the fishermen, [MBJ38.049] kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. [MBJ39.007]

amar   aptc. G-stem active participle. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries to his associate, saying: [MBJ36.044] kḏ hazin amarlia ṣaidia When the fishers said this to me, [MBJ36.052] amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons? of the fish called "girita." [MBJ36.061] amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You scum-sucking fishermen!" [MBJ36.079] qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls them and tells them to 'come and gather by my side.'. [MBJ36.083] qarilun lnunia iama uamarlun He summons the fish of the sea and tells them, [MBJ37.020] amrilẖ ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma They say to him, "You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh!" [MBJ38.004] amrilẖ haka huit They say to him, "Where were you?" [MBJ39.010] amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?" [MBJ39.013] kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him: [MBJ39.034]

amar   ipfv. G-stem imperfective. amarlan ḏnihuia egirak Tell us so that we may hired by you. [MBJ36.076] amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. [MBJ39.031]

amar   pfv. G-stem perfective form.

ʔ-n-y   vt. to answer, reply, respond, or attend to someone.

ania   1 • aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-n-y (q.v.).

2 • adj. responsive, attentive.

3 • nm. helper, attendant. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope. [MBJ36.082]

ʔ-p-y   vt. to cook or bake something, subjecting it to dry heat as in an oven.

apia   aptc. G-stem active participle of the verb ʔ-p-y (q.v.). anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey cake, and bring them before you. [MBJ36.077]

ʔ-r-b   vt. 1 • To combine, mix, or blend two or more things;

2 • To combine or join together with something else.

arib   aptc. G-stem active participle. squbra hu taqna ḏmia bqira larbia The whistle is durable because water does not mix with pitch. [MBJ36.042] mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water does not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness. [MBJ38.069] larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither will your boat join forces with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal. [MBJ38.071]

ʔ-s-r   vt. To bind, tie up, tie on, gird on, fasten, secure, fetter, or take captive.

asar   pfv. G-stem perfective form. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured his barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit. [MBJ36.063] asartinun bagmia ḏzipa ušabqia umitriglia I have trapped them in the marsh of deceit, and if they leave they will be fettered. [MBJ36.064] asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai lṭabia I have trapped them in their ships and tossed my towline to the good ones. [MBJ36.066]

ʔ-t-r   vi. To wake up from a slumber.

natir   ipfv. D-stem imperfective form. eqria bagma qala ueiatra lnunia I will make a sound in the marsh and awaken the fish. [MBJ36.039]

ʔ-t-y   vi. To come or arrive; to move toward the speaker or a particular place.

ata   pfv. G-stem perfective form. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from birds of prey. [MBJ36.084]

atia   aptc. G-stem active participle. iatibna barba ḏziua uatina btibil ḏaudia I sit in a lightworld vessel and come to the mortal world. [MBJ36.013] atina briš mia I come through the source of the waters. [MBJ36.014] atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I come by šabaita with a calm and steady motion. [MBJ36.016] kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good quality will join you. [MBJ36.034] qarilun uamarlun ḏatin aluatai kanpia He calls them and tells them to 'come and gather by my side.'. [MBJ36.083] kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me, and they come to me submissively. [MBJ37.016] ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him. [MBJ38.003] qadmaiia atin hauin mn abatrak The principals will come to be behind you. [MBJ38.019] atia uhauia amtak ugaṭralak ezlia ḏeguan guan She will come and be your maidservant, and tie cords of every sort for you. [MBJ38.023] kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon the good. [MBJ38.028] atin aluatẖ kanpin They come and gather near him. [MBJ39.008]

aitia   pfv. D-stem / C-stem perfective form. tum qahma utumria laitit ulaitit mihla ṣatria On top of that, you haven't brought any flour or dates, and you haven't brought any curing(?) salt! [MBJ36.033]

naitia   ipfv. D-stem / C-stem imperfective form. mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. [MBJ38.013]

ʔ-z-l   vi. To move in a direction away from the speaker or a particular place.

nazil   ipfv. G-stem imperfective form. Variant: nazal. lgauaiak azil aminṭul ḏqala ḏṣaida ṣaida ḏnunia laklia Go to your inner place because of the sound of the fisher, the fisher who does not eat fish! [MBJ36.045]

azil   aptc. G-stem active participle. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and move into the deceitful weir. [MBJ38.056] arban azla bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel moves within the waters. [MBJ39.016]


Y - y

y-m-y   vi. To swear, take an oath.

aumia   pfv. C-stem perfective form. aumitinun unisbit razaiun ḏnunia ṭabia lalagṭia I made them swear oaths and took their secrets so that they would not take the good fish. [MBJ36.057] ualuai umitinun ḏlaqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna I made them swear to me that they would not stay and dip their nets and spear in the Jordan. [MBJ36.058]

y-t-b   vi. To sit or stay in one place; to assume a seated position.

autib   pfv. C-stem perfective form. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death. [MBJ38.034]