M - m

ma   rel. which.

mabarta   nf. ferry.boat.

mabar   aptc. Gram: C She is carrying over.Sg: mabra.

maguša   nm. Magus. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ aldibia umarguša ḏeula uzanga leka bnagra The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder for demons and the wicked Magus and there is no rust upon the axe.

mahia   aptc. Gram: G hitting. umpasquilun umahilun kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the baskets of fish. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

mahlip   aptc. Gram: C making.pass. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

mahu   interrog. what.

mahuna   nm. pit. Note: Lidzbarski identifies as a Greek loanword "machine." Drower and Macuch suggest "pit" on the basis of other texts. This could refer to the two parts of the ḥāḍra, the ḥūš (pl. aḥwāš) or "courtyard" and the ser, which is the smaller (and deeper) inner chamber. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two compartments. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a punt and split her head down the middle.

mai   nm. water. atina briš mia I come through the fountainhead. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble. uspinatun tibrit lmia I spoiled their ships for the water. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe. bagma umia krikta etikrik The whirlpool whirled in the marsh water. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin ulapalgia mia ḏbaiin ḏniplun lṭabia They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, and they will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness. hazin abuiaikun bura bmia siauia estakar This is your savage father, trapped in the black waters! emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle. lkaiatkun truṣ zqupiun alanpia mia ḏhailaikun hauia lhad trin Set your group straight, rise up to the surface of the water, so that your strength may double (lit. may be two for every one). arban azla bmia uarbak azla binia mai Our vessel goes by water, but your vessel goes between the waters. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.

maiil   aptc. Gram: D/C bringing. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish.

mak   pfv. Gram: G levelled.1s: makit.

maks   nm. tax. ana alrahmai dabarnun utariṣnun bspintai umahlipnun kulhun maksia I will guide my friends, set them up in my ship, and pass them over every tax collector.

makuta   nf. raft. Note: From MKK "to spread out"; in Syriac also refers to a stone lid, a float, and a floating bladder. haka truṣ makutaikun ḏlatihuia braksa "Put your raft here so that it is not on the embankment."

mala   nm. property. uliṭa arbak ḏlamalia and damn your worthless vessel! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!

mala   pfv. Gram: D steered. Note: Mandaic also has a noun malaha "steersman." sqiria mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes.

malbiš   aptc. Gram: C dressing. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lightworld garments, and cover them in precious light.

malia   aptc. Gram: G filling. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us.

malil   pfv. spoke. Gram: D malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He spoke, shrieking at the top of his voice. malil bqalẖ šania He spoke with his sublime voice. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them:

malkuta   nf. kingdom. hazin riš kulaikun anatun malkutẖ hun This one is the head of you all, so be his kingdom!

malpia   aptc. Gram: C joining. anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers.

man   interrog. who.

rel. who. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons that seize fish! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the men who watch the Earth!

mana   nm. garment. esruta litlẖ ḏzipa umania hiuaria lbiš He has no stench of deceit, and he is clothed in white garments.

mand   nm. knowledge.

mapiqta   nf. death.

mapriš   aptc. Gram: C explaining. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes.

marba   nm. lair. Note: Lidzbarski assumes that this is some kind of "Durchgang," although admits it could be from the root RBA, meaning "Lagerstätte." Drower and Macuch identify it as another form of marbihta. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

marbihta   nf. lair. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. uailẖ labukun sirma ḏmarbihtẖ bqalmia hauia Woe to your father the heron, whose lair is in the reeds.

mard   adj. rebellious.

mardia   aptc. Gram: C flowing. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not extinguished by blowing winds.

margna   nm. staff. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place,

margna ḏmia   A reed pole for punting small craft through the marshes. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a punt pole, and split her head down the middle.

marganita   nf. pearl.

marha   aptc. Gram: C smelling. ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock.

markabta   nf. vehicle. Note: "arbak u markabtak" = your ship. abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed as well.

marula   nm. trouble.

masbar   aptc. Gram: C making.hope. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope.

masgia   aptc. Gram: C going. masgina briša ḏmia umasgina briša ḏedia I go through the fountainhead and the beginning of the course.

masiq   aptc. Gram: C raising. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel.

maška   aptc. finding. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it. amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?"

mašma   aptc. Gram: C make.hear. ṣaida amar umašma umašmalẖ lgabra The fisher said, and made the man listen.

maspuṭi   nf. Note: Generally found in the plural; related to sapṭā "basket" basket. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets? on them and hung them behind my stern.

masṭia   aptc. Gram: C seducing.

masṭiana   nm. seducer.

mata   nf. town. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly. zhun ezil sluq lmataikun hurba ḏeurašlam Flee, get out, go up to your town, the ruin of Jerusalem!

maṭarta   nf. garrison.

maṭia   aptc. Gram: G arriving. husrana maṭia lzabnẖ The loss falls upon its buyer.

matia   aptc. Gram: D bringing. anin apinin uhabṣinin umatinin lqudamak We will bake and make honey cake, and bring them before you.

matna   aptc. Gram: C putting.

pptc. being.put. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not extinguished by blowing winds.

maṭu   nf. clemency. anin abdak dilak tihuia bmaṭut elan We are your servants, may you be lenient with us!

maukil   aptc. Gram: C feeding. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

mauqir   aptc. Gram: C extracting. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings.

mazrut   nf. seed. arba he mazruta uradia bilbab ešumia The ship is a seed, and travels through the heart of the heavens.

mbašqar   aptc. Gram: Q recognizing. lgiṣia gauaiia utalilia mbašqarnun I am familiar with their inner trails and mounds. la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning.

mdalia   aptc. Gram: D lift.up. raipilun bqaina umdalilun They tie them to a cane and hoist them up.

mgania   aptc. Gram: D blaming. qal ṣaidia uqal tangarun ḏmganin ahdadia ulaiṭia The sound of fishers and the sound of their traders who reproach one another and curse.

mha   pfv. Gram: G beat. emaikun ḏgaṭra lihia umahunia taumia kadria bmargna ḏmia mhaitẖ uplagilẖ brišẖ plugta As for your mother, who ties nets and the twin unfortunate pits, I struck her with a staff of water, and split her head down the middle.

mhaiman   aptc. Gram: Q faithful.

mhara   nm. prow. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia ladaikia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not extinguished by blowing winds. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow.

midnia   aptc. Gram: tG self.abasing. kabšan usagdlia uatin ldilia midinan They bow down, and worship me, and they come to me submissively.

mihdar   inf. Gram: G encircle. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment.

mihdia   inf. to.rejoice. Gram: G-stem

mihduria   inf. Gram: tG turning.back. laiadin euhra ḏsairia ulaiadia lmihduria leuhraihun They won't know the way that they're going, and they won't know how to return back to their way.

mihla   nm. salt. ulaitit mihla ṣatria and you did not bring curing (?) salt. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt.

miqma   inf. Gram: G standing.

miša   nm. oil. eu abdit ebidatan dilan miša udubša aklit If you do what we ourselves do, you will eat oil and syrup.

miṣr   nm. boundary.

mištaia   aptc. Gram: tD speaking? Note: Drower and Macuch translate as "is glorified" on the basis of Syriac šaʻ "to smooth;" it seems to be related to JBA šʿy "to talk; narrate (a story)." mištaiin hiia uzakin uzakia gabra ḏasgia lka Life speaks and is victorious, and victorious is the man who went there.

mistakar   aptc. Gram: Dt obstructed. uspintai lagazia ulamistakarna and neither does my ship cut through them nor do I get caught. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia umistakria She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come and they will be caught. etlẖ baznaqita ḏaililẖ nunia umistakria el gišia ḏbaznaqita She has a fishing weir, which the fish enter and get held back against the bundles/upon the bottom of the weir.

mištarhiz   aptc. Gram: Qt (originally shafel) trembling. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble.

miṣṭba   aptc. Gram: Gt baptized.Pl: miṣṭiban.

mištma   aptc. Gram: Gt heard. qala ḏarbai lamištma The sound of my vessel is not heard.

mitana   aptc. Gram: tC sighing. Note: Either tC of *ʾ-n-ḥ or tD of *ʾ-n-n. uailak sagia saria ḏhazia nunia umitana Woe to you, stinking pelican, who will see the fish and sigh.

mitangar   aptc. Gram: G dealing. umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa and you do business with your trick scales. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business.

mitatna   aptc. Gram: tC being.set. larbaikun arba barbai ula esqtaikun besiqtai mitatna Neither wil your boat will join with my boat, nor will your seal be set on my seal.

mithašib   aptc. Gram: tD plotting. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots.

mitilgiṭ   aptc. Gram: tG caught. mahlipinun marba ḏeula dukta ḏnunia mitligṭin I will pass them over the den of inquity, the place where fish are caught.

mitimnia   aptc. Gram: tG be.counted. mia bqira larbia unhura bhšuka lamitimnia Water will not mix with pitch, and light will not be counted with darkness.

mitiqria   aptc. Gram: tG being.called. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to be called an associate of the righteous.

mitkarak   aptc. Gram: Dt surrounding.

mitrahaq   aptc. distancing. zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away.

mitrigil   aptc. Gram: tG be.fettered.

mitriṣ   aptc. Gram: tG set.up. mitriṣ rmilẖ zarga abinia etrin mahunia They have set up a lattice between the two compartments.

mizdahar   aptc. taking.care. anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention your name.

mkanip   aptc. Gram: D gathering. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope.

mkasia   aptc. Gram: D covering. malbišnun eṣṭlia ḏziua umkasinun nhura iaqra I will dress them in lightworld garments, and cover them in precious light.

mleia   pptc. Gram: G full. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.

mn   prep. from. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, akul unitra ḏnatar mn edak nikul unisba anin Eat, and we will eat whatever morsel falls from your hand, and we will be satisified. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds. tarṣinun mn klil aiar umn ḏrbia brišaihun tarṣia They will guide them with a crown of air and with the (sign) of the Great (Life) on their heads. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you! eu tizdahrulia ahai equm ehuilkun bahid eda ahid eda usimaka mn atar hšuk If you take care for my sake, my brethren, I will undertake to be a helper for you, a helper and support from the place of darkness to the place of light. nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a share from us and give us a share in your vessel! mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. hauilak arqa bigar unasbit atlata mn ḏetlan They will be your humble servant, and you will take a third of what we have. ṭaibilun mn qipia uabihdia klila kalia They will sink under the surface and be restrained with the circlet. darilun bdiguria uṭarilun minẖ mn aṭaria They will be carried off in droves and beaten back from the crown. azlia uanqia ulihia hatam hauilun marbihta ḏhad mn alpa hazilẖ umn atrin alpia hazilẖ atrin The snares, the gillnets, and the seines there are a den to them, which one out of a thousand see, and (one) out of two thousand see twice. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn ṭupria ḏnunia lagṭia Hail to the one who is saved from the talons of the fishsnatchers! ṭubẖ lman ḏnitparaq mn gubria ḏtibil naṭria Hail to the one who is saved from the men who watch the Earth! mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan. ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight! anin mizdahrinin bnunak ḏlabaṣar minaihun hda We will take care of your fish so that not a single one will be taken from them. etana etana ḏkadir minẖ mn alma The netting sighed that it is heavier than the world!

mna   interrog. whence. amna atit Where have you come from?

mnata   nf. portion. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. anatun šuba haka hun mnat zuhma uzuhmita tihuia bmnatkun As for you seven, here is the faith of shit, and shit will be your fate. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits) as your own. ahbalan mnata barbak mnata barban nasbit Give us a share in your vessel, and you will take a share in ours! nasbit minaian uhbalan mnata barbak You will take a share from us and give us a share in your vessel! anat ahbalan mnata Give us a share. mnata anin naitilak mn ḏetlan We will bring you a share of what we have. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses!

mpalig   aptc. Gram: D distribute. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us. mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. mpalgalun lmia bezlia kḏ ailia nunia She will divide the water with the cord when the fish come.

mpaqad   pptc. Gram: D commanded.Sg: mpaqdlun.

mpariq   aptc. Gram: D saving. ana ampariqnun lrahmai umasiqnun utariṣnun barbai I will save my friends, raise them up, and set them in my vessel.

mpasiq   aptc. Gram: D cut.off. umpasquilun umahilun kauaria brundia and they cut off and beat the baskets of fish.

mqabil   aptc. Gram: D-stem accept.3s: mqabla.

mqaiam   pptc. Gram: D steady. bsigia niha umqaima in a calm and steady gate.

mqaiar   pptc. tarred. lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world.

mqaria   aptc. crying. had lhabrẖ mqarilẖ uamarlẖ One cries to his associate, saying:

mradap   pptc. persecuted. Gram: D-stem3p: mradpia.

mrahma   aptc. Gram: D loving. Note: Lidzbarski notes that the meaning "love" for the D of RHM is "dubious," but it has been attested in this sense in JBA. Potentially this root can also mean "to nurse" in the D, although this makes no sense for avians. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏiauna mrahma eurba There will never be a day on Earth in which the dove loves the crow.

mrara   nm. bitterness. qahda ubakia bimrar kḏ mahia nunia ulamaškia They cry out and weep with bitterness when they strike at the fish but do not catch it.

mraurab   pptc. Gram: R-stem RBB exalted. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be exalted!

mṣabit   aptc. Gram: D associating. Note: To be a pair, associate, join together ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up.

mšaiil   aptc. Gram: D question.

msakia   aptc. Gram: D anticipate.1s: msakinalẖ.

mšamaṭ   pptc. pulled.off. arba ḏganpiẖ ḏziua uṭaisa uradia ulamšamṭa a vessel whose radiant sail flutters and flaps, but is not pulled off.

mšauia   aptc. Gram: D making. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us.

mštamana   adj. obedient.

mušpita   nf. skewer. hbnina esra eniana agṭar sarkala mušpita The one who captured the barbel tied the knot and fixed it to the spit.

muta   nm. death. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.

muzani   nm. scales. Gram: originally dual umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa and you do business with your trick scales.

mzabin   aptc. Gram: D selling. umzabnit bidmia kadiria and you sell it for a great price.

mzig   pptc. Gram: G mingled. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.