šabaita nf. reed.boat? Note: Used as a synonym for arab "coracle." atina bšabaita bsigia niha umqaima I come in a šabaita with a calm and steady motion.
šabia aptc. Gram: G take.captive. ušabin šibia bhiuria and they take captives in the marshes. zanga ḏhšil beula ḏšabilun el kulhun almia a bell that was forged with evil, which will captivate all the people of the world.
šabiq aptc. Gram: G leave. Note: Also leave in the sense of abandon, forsake, and even let. lašabqia ulaqaimia bripia They will neither leave nor stay on dry land. ušabqia umitriglia and if they leave they will be fettered. lašabqia nunia ḏzaqpia ulamihdar anpẖ lraksa They will neither let the fish rise up, nor turn around to face the embankment.
šadar pfv. Gram: D sent. šliha ḏhiia šadrun A messenger that Life has sent.
šahim aptc. Gram: G blushing. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places.
šaiil aptc. Gram: G requesting.
šaiil ipfv. Gram: D ask. šailuia elai labukun ḏiadalia Ask your father who knows me about me. šailuia el emaikun ḏamtai he Ask your mother who is my maidservant about me.
šakib pfv. Gram: D lying. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen.
šalia aptc. be.still. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.
šaliṭ pfv. Gram: D empowered.
šalmana nm. righteous. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to be called an associate of the righteous.
šama aptc. Gram: G hearing. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels?
šamiš pn. Sun. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the night.
šani pfv. Gram: D remove.1s: šanitinun. ana šanitinun lqapaiia I cleared out the duckweeds (?)
šania aptc. Gram: G-stem remote. bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be exalted! el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching sublime doctrines. malil bqalẖ šania He spoke with his sublime voice. arbak gmira baiar ungidbẖ adrabšia šania Your vessel is perfect in the air, and sublime banners are unfurled on it.
šapil aptc. Gram: G descending. lašaplia mn qipia mia uel baznaqita ḏzipa lazlin They will not descend from the surface of the water and go into the deceptive weir, and they will not share the water that seeks to fall upon the good.
šapira adj. beautiful. kḏ atit bisraq edak lalauilak ḏšapir ṭabta When you come empty-handed, no one of good quality will join you. qablit bmat anašia uagaiia ḏšapir la dakrit In town, you confront the people and the leaders, whom you do not mention fairly. akma šapir atana ḏetbẖ How beautiful is the mesh that is in it! šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishers of the world.
šaqip aptc. Gram: G striking. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan.
šaria aptc. Gram: G release.3s: šria.
šatia aptc. Gram: G drinking. lašatin mia ḏeulai ula iadia euhra linhar kšaš Neither do they drink the waters of the Karun, nor do they know the way to the Kšaš.
šatip ipfv. Gram: D affiliate. qum šatip Come on, join us!
šauia pfv. Gram: D I made.1s: šauit.
šbia pptc. captive. ušabin šibia bhiuria and they take captives in the marshes.
šbuq ipfv. Gram: G forgive. haṭaian uhauban tišbuqlan May you forgive our sins and debts!
šda pfv. Gram: G put. ulašdit bnunak ḏzabnit and I did not put it on your fish that I bought. karkil šdinun beuria He bound them to his staves. šdibun maspuṭiata utlaitun abatar kutlai I put baskets? on them and hung them behind my stern. asartinun bspinatun ušdilun ašlai I have trapped them in their ships and tossed my towline to the good ones.
šibiahia nm. planets. ezil ezil šibiahi mna bataikun hun Go, planets, go be part of your houses!
šidiri nf. chain.
ših pptc. Gram: G worthy.
šilmai pn. Šilmai. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.
škinta nf. dwelling. radibun liškinata umpalgia nhura beutria They travel in them to the celestial dwellings, and they divide the light with the Uthras. mauqirinun mn aklia ḏnunia uanatun saipitun bškinatkun I will pull them away from the fish eaters, and you will perish in your dwellings. ana urahmai ḏkušṭa baškinta ḏhiia ništkin I and my true friends shall be ensconced in the abode of life.
škun ipfv. settle. laiṭilun šilmai unidbai uazal uškun el abatrai el parsa uslitun Šilmai and Nidbai curse them, so go back and stay a league behind me and their nets.
šliha nm. messenger. šliha ḏhiia šadrun A messenger that Life has sent.
šma pfv. Gram: G heard. ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqala libaiun npal mn samkẖ As for the fishers who heard the sound, their legs turned to jelly (lit. their hearts fell from its support). kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:
šraga nm. lamp. el mhara matna šragia ḏbziqia mardia Upon the prow are placed lanterns, which are not extinguished by blowing winds. šragia ḏlaradia aptiliata bargapa luatẖ Near him are lanterns, the wicks of which do not move around in a commotion. ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns.
šrar nm. truth.
šria ipfv. Gram: G-stem release. šrinan mn rgalan Release us from our fetters.
šrita nf. liberation. naiga ḏradia uširiata paisilẖ larqa ḏeurašlam His axe that cuts and his exorcisms will desecrate the land of Jerusalem.
šuba quant. 7. šuba hun bhaiabia ugabra nukraia zka The Seven were defeated, and the alien man remained victorious.
šuha nm. rock. Note: Smooth rock (JBA šūʻā). mpalgalun lšuhia uabaria batana ramia She will divvy up the rocks and throw the lead (weights) in the netting. ašhia litbẖ ḏnikla hauilẖ lnunia ḏeuria ḏezlak lagṭit bgupta unagša upilqa litlak It has no rocks that will be an artifice (lit. have deceit) for the blind fish your cord takes in its snare, and you have neither cudgel nor axe.
šuma nm. name. ia lala ṣaida ḏbasim šumẖ O master of the fisherman, whose name is pleasant to hear! laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name! amrilun ḏaklia diqia nuna ḏgirita šumẖ I told them that they would eat cauldrons of the fish called "girita." bšumaihun ḏhiia rbia mraurab nhura šania In the name of the Great Life, may the distant light be exalted! abdia hauinin ḏtarmidak ḏašumak bkušṭa dakria We will be the servants of your disciples, who mention your name in truth. qaiminin umizdahrinin bkulhun ḏšumak dilak dakria We shall stand by and take care of all who mention your name.
šuma pfv. Gram: G heard.3s: šuma. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow.
šunda nm. horsebane. Oenanthe phellandrium. Note: Lidzbarski translates as Wasserfenchel on the authority of Pere Anastase, who identifies it as "Phellandre aquatique". Horsebane is related to hemlock and has similar poisonous properties. ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock.
šura nm. wall. kḏ šuria ḏnipirqun atin unaplia lṭabia Like walls that collapse, they will come and fall upon the good.
šurbta nf. generation. riša ḏšurbta haita chief of the living race. liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind! gabra bhir zidqa zka uzakia lkulẖ šurubtẖ The man of proven righteousness was victorious, and he led his entire nation to victory.
šuta nf. speech. ulaqalẖ damia lqalan ulašutẖ damia lhazin alma and neither does his voice resemble our voice, nor does his his speech resemble this world's.
šutapa nm. partner. Note: From šutāpum (OAkk ŠU.TAB) "associate, partner" generally in an commercial or agricultural context. hauit bšutapan rba umnata kḏ dilak nasbit You will be our major shareholder, and you will take a share (of our profits) as your own. eu šutapan lašamit mihla aklit If you don't listen to our shareholders, you will eat salt. šutapa ḏšalmania šutapkun dilkun lamitiqria Any associate of yours is not going to be called an associate of the righteous.