ṣaba aptc. Gram: G immersing. laqaimia ulihia ṣabia upalta biardna They will not stay and dip their nets and spear in the Jordan.
ṣahu nm. thirst? nunia laiṭia ṣahua el duktaihun The fish curse thirst upon their spot.
ṣaida aptc. Gram: G catching. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rbia A fisher am I, of the Great Life. ṣaida ana ḏhiia rurbia A fisher am I, of the Mighty Life. palta ḏeka bedai margna bhira mn duktẖ gauaza ḏmia dakia ḏhazilẖ ṣaidia umištarhizia The spear in my hand is a staff chosen in its place, a rod of pure water at the sight of which fishers tremble. laqalẖ damia lṣaida ulasqubrẖ lsqubran Neither does his voice resemble a fisher's, nor does his whistle resemble our whistle. akandit qaimia ṣaidia bgauaiia dilun lastamar ḏqaimia ṣaidia umithašbia While the fishers were still standing in their blinds, they did not take heed that other fishers were starting to hatch plots. gaidinun ligal ṣaida The fisher overtook them swiftly. laṣaidinin ḏel šumak dilak dakria We will not catch those who mention your name! abrikit ṣaida ubrika arbak umarkabtak May you be blessed, Fisher, and may your ship be blessed as well. šapir ašlak uesqak ḏladamit lṣaidia ḏalma Your towline and your cords are so beautiful that you do not look like the fishers of the world. amarnalun ia ṣaidia ḏzuhma sarpia To them I say, "You filth-eating fishermen!" lau saida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ulau ḏakil zuhma etiqrit I am not the fish-catching type of fisher, and I was not called forth to be someone who eats shit! ṣaida ana ḏnišmata ḏbhiia sahdan I am a fisher of the souls who bear witness to the Life. ṣaida ana ania ḏqarilun umkaniplun umasbarlun I am a fisher attending to those whom he calls, gathers together, and gives hope. el mhara qaiim ṣaida udariš drašia šania On the prow stands the fisher, teaching subline doctrines. aklilẖ lgirita ulqusa ḏzaqip bedẖ ṣaidilẖ They will eat the catfish and catch the spider crab that gets up on its hands. ṣaida lbaš eṣṭlia ḏziua unarga tlilẖ lkadpẖ The fisher put on clothes of radiance and set an axe on his shoulder. ṣaidia ḏhiziuia lṣaida atin aluatẖ kanpia Whenever the (other) fishers saw the fisher, they would come and gather around him. ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh! anin malpinalak bṣaidia We shall enroll you among the fishers. eu šamit ṣaidit nunia uramit barbak umitangirit If you listen, you'll catch fish, throw them in your boat, and do business. habṣit umalit kasia umpalgit bṣaidia kulhun umšauinalak riš kulaian You will make porridge and fill up cups, and distribute them to all the fishermen, and we will make you the head of every one of us. kḏ hazin šuma ṣaida biṭušta lmhara bṭaš When the fisherman heard this, he stamped upon the prow. biṭušta bṭaš ṣaida el spinata ḏṣaidia The fisherman stamped upon the boats of the fishers. ṣaidia qpun bhauria umsabṭia kḏ aburia ulasalqia The fishers floated on the marshes, gathering together like reed mats (or perhaps mice), and not getting up. qaina naqiš uazla ununia ḏamamia šakib el ṣaidia raṭnia The pole strikes and splatters, and the fish of the sea land upon the muttering fishermen. amarlun el ṣaidia nunia He said to the fishermen, atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen. la ṣaida ana ḏṣaiid nunia ununia dilia mbašqria I am not a fisherman who catches fish, and my fish are discerning. eu ṣaidia ramin elun silita pardilẖ lsilita unapqia If the fishers throw a net upon them, they will break through the net and escape. lanihuia iuma btibil ḏnunia ṣaidilun ṣaidia There will never be a day on Earth in which fish fish fishers. qala ḏṣaida dakia ḏqaria umapriš bhauria lnunia iamamia It is the voice of the pure fisherman that summons the fish of the seas and instructs them in the marshes. ezdahrulia mn ṣaidia ḏnunia ṣaidia ḏšaqpia liardna For my sake, beware the fishermen, the fishers who strike the Jordan. kḏ hazin amar ṣaida zahrinun lkulhun ṣaidia ḏšimuia lqalẖ As the fisher said this, he admonished all the fishers who heard his voice. haka huit ṣaida ḏlašamana lqalak bagma ularbak damia larban Where were you, o fisher whose voice we have not heard in the marsh, and whose vessel does not resemble our vessels? lamqaira arbak bqupra uladamit el ṣaidia ḏalma Your vessel is not waterproofed with pitch, and you do not resemble the fishermen of this world. hazilẖ ṣaidia šahmia ubahtia uqaimia el duktaihun Seeing him, the fishermen blush and become ashamed, and stand in their places. amrilẖ ṣaidia lmalak ḏṣaidit ulamaškit The fishers say to him, "For what possible reason do you fish but never catch?" zakaita dilak ṣaida ḏhazilẖ nunia umitrahqia Your blameless family, fisher, is the type that fish see and flee far away. lahazilan ṣaidia ḏdamilak ḏziqa barbak dara We never see fishers that resemble you, whose vessel the wind carries along. sqiria mala lṣaida usukana ḏnahnar bhauria The fisher steered the sail-yard and the rudder, which brings light to the marshes. kḏ hazin amar ṣaidia malil ṣaida ḏnimarlun When the fishermen said this, the fisher spoke, saying to them: ahai ṣaidia ubnai ṣaidia ezal mn qudamai My fishermen brethren and fishermen sons, get out of my sight! amarulẖ ḏhda ṣaida barba arba diqia [etbẖ] Tell her that there is one fisher in the vessel [and] four cauldrons? [in it]. kḏ hazin šimuia ubašqruia lṣaida ḏasgia lka amrilẖ When they heard and recognized the fisher who went there, they say to him:
ṣalia aptc. Gram: G diverging.
ṣamar aptc. Gram: G turning. Note: The meaning of this verb is unclear. In other contexts it seems to mean "to repress; hold back; crush" lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns.
ṣan nm. Gram: Should originally come from III-weak root, but appears to be II-weak. crafty? eiapra lṣipar ṣanta ḏlnunai hauilun ridpa I will set to flight the crafty? bird that is a pest to my fish. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!
ṣaur nm. throat.
ṣbia pptc. Gram: G immersed. lanqia blihia ḏṣbia ubšragia ḏkadba laṣamria They will not turn to submerged gillnets or deceptive lanterns. ezlak lašalib mia ula ṣbia ḏnunia lagṭa Your cord does not lie still in the water, and it is not submerged to snatch fish.
ṣhan adj. shameless. Note: Cf. Syriac ṣḥen, ṣaḥnā "shameless" atun mn qudamai ṣaidia ṣhania ṣaidia abdia samania Come before me, shameful fishermen, poison-making fishermen.
ṣid pptc. caught. Note: Note the strange ergative-like construction with the preposition -l. ṣaida anat gadaia ḏnunia ḏagma You are a lucky fisher, who does not catch the fish of the marsh!
ṣihma nm. splendor. Note: Product of metathesis; cf. Syriac ṣemḥā ulbuš ekuma kḏ dilan ḏkḏ dalit šragak maškit ḏlahazilẖ nunia lṣihmak uarbak nunia maila and dress in black like us so that when you raise your lantern, you will discover that the fish do not see your reflection, and your boat will bring in fish. spintak ladamia lspintan ṣahma blilia kḏ šamiš Your ship is not like our ships; it is a bright light like the sun in the night.
ṣinda nm. hemlock. Conium maculatum. Note: Although "fennel" is clearly intended, the context demands a poisonous plant, and the poisonous plant most likely to be confused with fennel is poison hemlock. Wikipedia notes: "When crushed, the leaves and root emit a rank, unpleasant odour sometimes compared to that of parsnips or mice." ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia nunia ḏlaklia šunda uṣinda lamarhia Catch fish that do not eat shit, fish that neither eat horsebane nor smell hemlock. hatam mia mzigia ḏṣindia kbaš mnadra usikia ḏmuta At that point, the waters are commingled so that the hemlock and deadly vinegar overwhelm those who imbibe.
ṣipra nf. bird. eiapra lṣipar ṣanta ḏlnunai hauilun ridpa I will set to flight the crafty? bird that is a pest to my fish. eu atitun radaiia mn ṣipar ṣanta titparqun If you come, o wanderers, you will be saved from crafty? birds. ezdahrulia bnapšaikun mn ṣipar ṣanta ḏelauaikun For my sake, guard yourself from the crafty? birds that are upon you! liṭitun ṣipria ṣanta uliṭa šurbatkun ḏlamalia Damn you crafty? birds and damn your worthless kind!
ṣiṣ nm. unripe.date. Phoenix dactylifera. Note: الصيص: فيقال هذا صيص أو بلح صيص إذا كان فجا أخضر لم ينضج بعد، وحقيقتها فصيحة قحة فالصيص والشيص تمر لم يتم نضجه لسوء تأبيره أو لفساد طرأ عليه، فيقال صاصت النخلة صيصا أي صار ما تحمل من الثمور صيصا. http://www.3asq.com/showthread.php?t=93701 Note: Sis (or balaḥ ṣīṣ or šīṣ) refers to dates of a certain type that is either not yet green or never matures due to a defect in its fertilization or because it has become corrupted before ripening. The term appears in Akkadian (šīṣūtu or šuṣu [ŠÀ.SUD]) as well as Arabic and JBA. Dates are used to this date for bait fishing in Iraq (Jim Turner, 2006/1/17). laqarbia lekilta ḏṣiṣia ulanqia blihia ḏagma They will neither approach a bait of unripe dates nor the gillnets of marsh seines. rmilẖ lihia utibia turia mleia ṣiṣia ekulia ḏmuta mauklia They have set up seines and set lines filled with unripened dates, the bait that offers a meal of death.
ṣlip pptc. bruised. Note: ṣlip means "bruised; wounded;" slipa means "twisted; perverted." umitangrit bmuzaniak ṣlipa and you do business with your busted scales.
ṣnap pfv. Gram: G shrieked. malil uṣnapbẖ bqalẖ He spoke, shrieking at the top of his voice.
ṣud ipfv. Gram: G catch. amarlia ezal ṣud nunia ḏzuhma laklia He said to me, "Go, catch fish that do not eat shit!" ezil ezil ṣud nunia ḏzuhmita ḏnapšaikun Go, go and catch your own stinking fish.